Young lady on a hike with an old, senior aged dog.

As the dogs in our lives grow older, their needs and abilities change. Their playfulness and boundless energy may mellow, but that doesn't mean they have to resign to a sedentary lifestyle. As a loving and involved pet parent, it's essential to understand these changes and adapt to them to ensure your dog's golden years are just as healthy, happy, and active as their younger years. In this article, we’ll share 8 tips on how to help keep senior dogs both physically active and mentally stimulated while ensuring their safety and comfort.


Just like humans, dogs undergo numerous physical changes as they age. This could range from the graying of their coat to a noticeable decrease in energy levels. Understanding these changes will allow you to accommodate their new needs and provide them with the best care possible. For instance, their skeletal structure may weaken over time, making their bones more prone to fractures. Arthritis may plague their joints, causing discomfort and difficulty during movement. Their muscle mass could decrease, impacting their strength and endurance.

A good understanding of these changes will allow you to customize your dog's exercise routine to match their current physical capacity and reduce the risk of injuries. For instance, if your dog has arthritis, consider swapping high-impact activities like running or jumping for low-impact exercises like swimming or leisurely walks. Additionally, understanding these physical transformations can guide you in tailoring their diet to their current needs, ensuring they get all the essential nutrients required to support their aging body. Because so many of our dogs have had one gear for so long, sometimes it’s easy to forget that dogs age and slow down. Be aware of the physical changes that take place in your dogs so that you can help them enjoy life to the fullest.


A healthy mind plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall well-being of your aging 4-legged friend. With age, dogs might slow down physically, but their minds need to stay sharp and active. Simple activities like teaching new commands or tricks, playing with interactive toys, or engaging in hide and seek games with their favorite dog treats can work wonders for their mental health.

You could even turn mealtime into an exciting game by using puzzle feeders. This will not only slow down their eating, reducing the risk of bloating, but will also give their brain a good workout. Additionally, new environments and experiences, especially in the outdoors with so many sights, sounds and smells, can stimulate their senses and keep their minds sharp. Remember, a mentally active dog is a happy dog, regardless of age!


Injury prevention becomes increasingly important as your dog ages. Senior dogs might be less agile and more prone to injuries. Activities should be carefully chosen and modified to suit their current physical capabilities. For instance, instead of taking your senior dog for a single long walk, consider shorter, more frequent strolls. This will help them stay active without straining their body.

Additional support in the form of protective gear, like dog booties for rough terrains or harnesses for easier mobility, can help prevent injuries as well. Orthopedic beds or heated mats can make a very big difference for added comfort and joint support. Regular veterinary check-ups should also be part of their routine to monitor their health, manage any existing conditions, and catch any potential issues early on.


As dogs age, their ability to express discomfort or pain might diminish or change. Hence, it's essential for pet parents to understand and recognize signs of pain in their senior dogs. Changes in behavior such as decreased activity, difficulty in standing up, or reluctance to engage in activities they previously enjoyed can be indicators of discomfort or pain.

Other signs may include loss of appetite, excessive panting, increased aggression, changes in sleep patterns, or excessive licking or chewing of a particular spot. It's crucial to monitor your older dog closely for any of these signs. If you notice any changes, it's always a good idea to consult with your vet immediately to evaluate your dog’s health.


Exercise remains a crucial aspect of an older dog's life. However, it's important to tailor their exercise routine to suit their current physical abilities and stamina. This may involve reducing the intensity or duration of their exercise, or even changing the type of exercise altogether.

For example, instead of a long run, a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood might be more suitable. Swimming is another great low-impact activity that can be beneficial for older dogs, especially those suffering from arthritis or joint problems. Make sure to introduce any new activities slowly and observe your dog's reaction and comfort level.

In addition to physical exercise, don’t forget to incorporate mental stimulation into their daily routine. Brain games, puzzle toys, and training sessions can help keep their mind sharp and alert.


As your dog ages, their nutritional needs will change as well. Senior dogs typically require fewer calories due to a slower metabolic rate and decreased activity level. However, they still need a diet rich in high-quality, natural protein to maintain muscle mass, essential fatty acids for a healthy coat and skin, and certain nutrients like glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health. Mountain Wild’s all-natural, all-wild jerky dog treats, made from wild roaming elk and deer of the Rocky Mountains, are loaded with this essential high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals.

Working with your vet or a pet nutritionist can help you devise a diet plan that meets all your senior dog's nutritional requirements. Make sure to monitor their weight and adjust their diet accordingly to avoid obesity, which can exacerbate health issues in older dogs.


Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for maintaining your senior dog's health. Aging dogs are more susceptible to a variety of health issues such as arthritis, dental disease, heart disease, kidney disease, and certain types of cancer. Regular check-ups allow for early detection and treatment of these conditions, thereby improving your pet’s quality of life.

During these check-ups, your vet may recommend certain diagnostic tests such as blood work, urinalysis, and imaging studies to screen for common diseases in senior dogs. They can also guide you in managing any existing health conditions your dog may have, such as arthritis or diabetes.


Your older dog may not be able to participate in the same activities as they used to, but they still need love, attention, and quality time with their favorite human—you. Carve out time every day to cuddle, gently play, or simply sit with your senior dog. Make sure to make time to be outdoors with your senior dog where there are so many opportunities for sensory type activities to keep them stimulated. Petting or gently brushing your dog is a great way to keep their coat healthy while creating a soothing, bonding experience for both of you.

As your dog ages, remember that changes in their environment can cause anxiety. As such, it is important to maintain a consistent daily routine and create a quiet, comfortable space in your home where they can retreat and rest.

In conclusion, caring for an older dog may require some adjustments to their routine and lifestyle and yours. However, these changes come with the privilege of sharing many years with a loyal friend. With careful management and a lot of love, your senior dog can enjoy a healthy, happy, and active life in their golden years.

Disclaimer: This article does not replace professional veterinary advice. Always consult with your vet for your pet's specific needs.

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